All the software listed below was made by me. All programs that you can download from here are FREEWARE but NOT into the PUBLIC DOMAIN. All the others are for personal use only or custom-developed for someone or simply not yet released for free download.
No commercial software is listed below.

Table Of Contents
Completed works: stuff I have done and eventually released.
In progress works: what I am working on.
To do list: what I am about to do after.
Low priority projects: stuff I am working on with very low priority.
Projects: long term projects not started yet.

TOCCompleted works
Fractal Image Compression [IFSAF, IFSDLGLT](Win, Win32)Info
University work. This is not for end users, it is for researchers only.

Monoscope 2.0 [Monoscope2.0](Win)Info
Utility for recalibrating your monitor: shows a full screen monoscope and other test patterns.

MkStereo [MKSTEREO](Win32Con)
Utility for making Red/Blue 3D stereo images from .TGA source. Supports sequences of images for animations.

A simple Document-Lister for selecting and opening into MSWord skeletons of various legal documents. For lawyers.

Visual Button Tester [VBT](Win32)
An utility for testing owner draw buttons with custom bitmaps.

Windows Meter 0.11a [WMETER](Win32)
Programmer's utility for measuring pixel extent of on-screen objects.

Vrmlp7 [VRMLP7](Win32Con, DOS32)
Patches the VRML output of the Virtus WalkThrough Trial Version. Fix the transparency range, reorder from CW to CCW the vertices of polygons, attempts to compatc the VRML file making a better use of point indexes and face indexes.


TOCIn progress works

Cartographer [CARTOGRAPHER](Win32)
A sort of simplified CAD for drawing city-maps, with superimposed street graph and other "layered" info.

Cartoviewer [CARTOVIEWER](Win32)
The viewer for the files generated by Cartographer.

Digital Guide to <city> [DIGITAL<CITY>](Win32)
A set of windows libraries for developing multimedia guides. Whithin this project will be a digital guide to "Rome" and a digital guide to "Anagni" that will be developed by two of my friends using my libraries and the Cartographer.

TOCTo do list

TOCLow priority projects

TOCLong term projects

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Giovambattista Pulcini

Last Revised: April, 1997 - ver. 2.01